What's Happening at HCHS

Attention Juniors!!

Win a $2,000, $1,000, or $500 scholarship in the 20th annual Goodlark Educational Foundation Essay Contest! The topic is "If you had 30 days left to live and unlimited resources what would you do?" Due November 22. Please stop by the College and Career Center for more information. 

HOSA Blood Drive - September 19 - Blood Drive Donors - Don’t forget your permission form.  Tomorrow morning is the last time to turn your form in. Give Blood and save 3 lives! AND let's beat EAST!!  GO DAWGS!!!!!

Congratulations to our Golf Team! Dane Gilbert was low medalist at the District Golf Tournament yesterday and will compete next week in the Region Tournament. The HCHS Girls Golf Team (Zoie Chilton, Anna Kate Jenkins, & Hailie Tilley) team placed 3rd and will move on the play in the Region Tournament as well.

Seniors the Scarlett Family Foundation Scholarship is now available.  You have to be a STEM or Business Major. Apply online by clicking the link in Mrs. Saunders’ Google Classroom.


Kona Ice will be here Friday, Sept. 20th during your lunch period. Please make sure to bring your money!

Don’t forget, there will be a pep-rally Friday, September 20 for rivalry week. Wear your class colors to show your support! #BeatEast

September 16-20 is Rivalry Week along with College Spirit Week. Dress up days for next week will count toward your points for Homecoming so make sure to participate! Teachers share those dress-up days with your students. Monday - Military Day (wear camouflage), Tuesday - Hawaiian Day, Wednesday - Career Day, Thursday - College Swag Day, Friday - School Spirit Day

Our school will be offering the PSAT test to sophomores and Juniors on October 30th. The fee is $18. If you are interested in registering, please bring $18 to Mrs. Lewis in the Guidance office Monday through Friday of next week.

Seniors make sure to sign up in Mrs. Saunders Google Classroom if you want to retake the ACT in October. The last day to sign up is October 1.

Seniors: Shirts are on sale for $25.00. Please see Coach Gordon to pay and give him the shirt size.

Freshmen: Order your Class shirt for Homecoming! See Mrs. Plunkett to purchase. Cost is $12.00 and the last day to place your order is September 20.

Sophomores - Class shirts are on sale now.  The cost is $12.00.  Please see Mrs. Beard to purchase. The last day to order is Friday, September 20.

Juniors - Class shirts will go on sale now. The cost is $15.00. See Mrs. Davidson to purchase.

Homecoming is October 4! Our theme for Homecoming 2024 is "The Magic of Homecoming Starts Here." Throughout the week of September 30 - October 4 students at HCHS will be competing in the following class competitions: Dress Up Count, Boys Volleyball, Homecoming Olympics, Class Flag, Girls Kickball, Class Skits, Pep Rally, Fence Decorations and Collecting dog or cat food for the Hickman Humane Society.

Congratulations to the following students on being voted Homecoming Attendants:

Seniors: McKenzie Blystad, Maya Buttrey, Savannah Parrish, Charlie Blystad, Braydon Fowlkes, and Colby Odom.

Juniors: Sierra Brown Mayberry & Tyree Booker

Sophomores: Kayleigh Gordon & Chase Sims

Freshmen: Bentlee Worley & Aden Weber


Don't forget, you can watch our Weekly Announcements on the Hickman County High School YouTube Channel!


SENIORS - Available Scholarships: Please check Google Classroom or stop by the College and Career Center for more information and an application. Applications are also available in the HCHS Library.

The Scarlett Family Foundation Scholarship is now available.  You have to be a STEM or Business Major. Apply online by clicking the link in Mrs. Saunders’ Google Classroom.

Attention Juniors!!

Win a $2,000, $1,000, or $500 scholarship in the 20th annual Goodlark Educational Foundation Essay Contest! The topic is "If you had 30 days left to live and unlimited resources what would you do?" Due November 22. Please stop by the College and Career Center for more information. 



View of front of HCHS


Image of the HC logo on the football field

Homecoming is OCTOBER 4!

Thu Sep 12 12:15 PM

"The purpose of Hickman County High School is to provide a challenging learning environment that prepares each student for excellence in the academic, athletic, artistic, personal, and civic arenas while cultivating integrity, responsibility and a passion for continued learning."


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